We are a congregation rooted in the soil of Wesleyan theology, growing in the Methodist tradition, bearing the fruit of holiness in character and community.

Since 1961, Wesley Memorial has been ministering to the needs of our local community and world. Our mission is to boldly and joyfully proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord by celebrating and serving in love. Recently, our congregation has made the decision to leave the United Methodist denomination and is in the process of discerning our way forward. You can take a look at some of this discernment process through communication from our Affiliation Task Force on our home page.

We believe in Proclamation

We believe in declaring the message of Jesus Christ crucified and risen as the good news for the world. We believe in the inspired sriptures as proclaiming God’s love for us and his return to make all things new. We believe in the power of God’s proclamation to heal the sick, stand against evil, and deliver the oppressed.

We believe in Celebration

We believe in celebrating the presence of God in the world. We believe in celebrating the work of the Spirit in bringing God’s kingdom into our present age, while awaiting final consumation. We celebrate God’s work of grace in our lives, as evidenced through the fruit and gifts of the Spirit and our participation in the sacraments.

We believe in Serving

We believe that Christ has come to serve the deepest needs of a broken world. We believe that our lives must exist in the image of Christ, by serving the needs of our neighbors. We believe in becoming the love and grace of Christ through acts of service.